
I love Jen Fulwiler and John Farrell

By Adam Minihan | July 5, 2014

And now John is reviewing Jen’s book! It’s love squared!

A Moment of Silence

By Adam Minihan | July 5, 2014

I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when I got the news.

Front Row With Francis: On Baptism

By Adam Minihan | July 4, 2014

Head on over to check out my latest post in Catholic Lane’s weekly series “Front Row With Francis” which provides reflections on the Holy Father’s weekly audiences. This week, due to the Pope’s summer hiatus, the series is looking back at his Jan 15 audience on Baptism.  Read my reflections on the legacy of faith…

When Better than the 4th of July…

By Adam Minihan | July 4, 2014

…to talk about Religious Liberty? So that’s what we are doing over at the Register!

The Three Munera of Fatherhood

By Adam Minihan | July 4, 2014

There are few roles as mocked and derided as that of the father. Watch any TV show or movie made in the last 40 years or so, and you will see fathers portrayed variously as buffoons, domineering jerks, or at best, good-hearted but clueless simpletons. What you’ll never see is a father portrayed as loving and…

Happy 4th of July!

By Adam Minihan | July 4, 2014

As is our custom, we at Chez Shea are giving ourselves up to jollification and merriment all the day long. We head off to Br’er Mike’s house on Long Lake down in Lacey for a glorious time of live music (Br’er Mike is quite a fine sax and clarinet player and plays lots of gigs…

A Thank You Note to St.Thomas

By Adam Minihan | July 3, 2014

Dear St. Thomas,Thank you from the bottom of my heart for having the courage to say what everyone else was probably thinking!Because of you, I am unafraid to express the doubts that sometimes plague my heart. You have made me realize that doubts are not a detriment to my faith, but a natural part of…

The Mackerel Snapper Blog…

By Adam Minihan | July 3, 2014

…on the Immaculate Conception of Mary. Just a reminder, you can pre-order a copy of the new single volume, unabridged, revised and expanded Mary, Mother of the Son, signed and everything, by ordering it from me. Just click on the beautiful shiny cover below: Here is the publisher’s description of the book: Mark P. Shea’s…

News for Nerds

By Adam Minihan | July 3, 2014

John Williams “Time Tunnel Patriotic Concert” slated for July 4, 1776.

A Beautiful Story

By Adam Minihan | July 3, 2014

People can be so wonderful. Thanks be to God for the ones in this story.