Kudos to Glenn Beck. May his tribe increase. The issue of children pouring across our border is not about political advantage. This is about raw human need. Here’s a place to help.
I am at the USCCB’s National Migration Conference this week. Today I heard several stories about these children. In Honduras, which would be declared a failed state at this point if it wasn’t in the Western Hemisphere, a gang came to a woman’s house to tell her her two young daughters had been selected to be…
In one of the stranger ironies of history Radical Muslims and ignorant Reactionary Catholics now totally agree–against the Catholic Church–that Allah is not the God Christians worship. So Arabic-speaking Malaysian Catholics are about to face persecution from Muslims for calling God “Allah” as they have done for centuries. Meanwhile, my mailbox is full of ignorant…
Re: Pitchforks Let’s speak frankly to each other. I’m not the smartest guy you’ve ever met, or the hardest-working. I was a mediocre student. I’m not technical at all—I can’t write a word of code. What sets me apart, I think, is a tolerance for risk and an intuition about what will happen in the…
“To protest against environmentalists and the Obama administration, conservative truck owners are tricking-out diesel pickups with coal stacks that belch out puffs of black smoke in a new campaign in the political culture war.” Liberals are assholes because many of the things they stand for are wrong, and even some of the good things they…
Never leave a job half finished.
Millions of years ago, the first airplane fuselages crawled out of the water and on to land. There, they eventually evolved wings and became the modern airplanes we know.
Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.comDear Patricia Ireland: What you are doing is very very very smart and you should keep doing it.
A reader writes: Could you address the recent increase in gluten free hosts for those who are “gluten sensitive” or have celiac. If we truly believe the host is transformed into the body of Christ how could we then believe that the gluten could ever harm us? The woman who touched the hem or tassel of Jesus’…