
If Only Eisenhower Understood War like Cheney and Kristol Do

By Adam Minihan | July 17, 2014

In other news, a 73 year old vet is fired for giving a bit of cornbread (that Cracker Barrel does not charge for) to a homeless guy. Because the universal destination of goods will not be tolerated when it does not benefit the powerful! 2445 Love for the poor is incompatible with immoderate love of riches…

Prayer Request

By Adam Minihan | July 17, 2014

A reader writes: Please pray for a mother of 2 under the age of 6 – whose husband walked out a few months back. She’s a good Catholic, but has struggled with depression over the years, and is now on suicide watch. Friends report that her comments now don’t even sound like her: that it…

God love Thomas Peters!

By Adam Minihan | July 17, 2014

Here’s a beautiful post from the website chronicling his recovery from his devastating accident a year ago. Please keep him in your prayers, and his heroic and devoted wife.  What a treasure!

Pick Your Pope

By Adam Minihan | July 16, 2014

This guy: or this guy. Three points: A) The conspiracy theory is dumb because it assumes that thousands of poor people in Central America are willing to part with their children and send them on a dangerous trek north all in order to help Obama look good and conservatives look heartless. Conservatives who float such…

Made for Pillows? Men, Boredom, and Pornography

By Adam Minihan | July 16, 2014

Pornography is not free speech. Pornography is pernicious. So why do so many men look at pornography? I would like to suggest to you that the reason so many men look at pornography is not only lust, but boredom. Brothers, if you struggle with pornography, it’s time to ask yourself a question: What would Uriah…

Prayer Request–and Praise Report!

By Adam Minihan | July 16, 2014

A reader writes: Please ask your readers to pray for my friend’s teenage son B. He has been missing for several days and was last seen in the company of a young adult who is suspected of having exploited younger boys. The police haven’t been able to pin anything on this guy yet but family…

Jesus Christ Celebrates 33rd Anniversary as God Incarnate

By Adam Minihan | July 16, 2014

A naughty piece Yr. Obdt. Svt. wrote some years back on our breathless culture of media speculation.

It’s the July Installment of the Bad Evangelists Club!

By Adam Minihan | July 16, 2014

This months installment of the Bad Evangelist Club comes from David Gray who talks about how Protestants view “the essentials” and how Catholics misunderstand their views. One habit of the Protestant mind I have noticed again and again and again it the “Heads I Win, Tails the Church Loses” ploy in discussing what is and…

The Multiplication of the Crashed Hard Drives…

By Adam Minihan | July 16, 2014

…will be the first miracle toward Obama’s canonization. It’s shocking how little faith people have that there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for all this. St. Rosemary Woods, pray for Obama!

More White Evangelicals than American Jews…

By Adam Minihan | July 16, 2014

…say God gave the state of Israel to the Jewish people. This is where it pays to have a Magisterium. The state of Israel is a secular nation state like America, France, or Australia. It has the same rights and privileges as any secular nation state. But apart from Evangelical superstition and a lousy misreading…