
France Offers Asylum to Mosul’s Christians

By Adam Minihan | July 29, 2014

An embarrassing coda to a decade of disgrace for the United States.  We should be offering asylum to every single one of these people, since it was our war that resulted in this catastrophe.  Instead, it is the reviled French, who wouldn’t be stampeded into that gigantic act of folly and who got the “freedom…

More Muslims Like This Please

By Adam Minihan | July 29, 2014

Top Muslim leaders condemn ISIS persecution of Iraqi Christians.Good to see.

Manly Movie Moment: Forgiveness in The Mission

By Adam Minihan | July 29, 2014

While it is difficult for those who don’t frequent the sacrament of confession to understand, there is great joy to be found in true repentance. Perhaps one of the best illustrations of this joy is found in the 1986 movie, The Mission. First, some context. Rodrigo Mendoza is a former slave trader and mercenary, and he has spent years capturing…

IVF, cloning, and related topics…

By Adam Minihan | July 28, 2014

…are under discussion over at the Register.

Way to go, Strat!

By Adam Minihan | July 28, 2014

A beautiful and fitting end to a good man’s life: Stratford Caldecott will be buried beside his hero J.R.R. Tolkien.

Knowledge is Firepower

By Adam Minihan | July 28, 2014

Silver Parnell on How to Talk to a Poor Person

By Adam Minihan | July 28, 2014

A sweet piece by a fine Catholic writer and convert.

The Ugly Face of Pro-Choice America

By Adam Minihan | July 28, 2014

Abortion corrupts everything it touches.

Disturbing in ways not accessible to human language

By Adam Minihan | July 28, 2014

Pete Socks…

By Adam Minihan | July 26, 2014

interviews the man behind Patrick Madrid’s mustache about his new book.