He’s a fine actor and his money-where-his-mouth is dedication to our troops and first responders has always shown he was the real deal.So I’m thrilled to discover that he entered the Church in 2010. He tells the story here.
…is that it gives us enough leisure time to invent machines that help us occupy our leisure time:
“Those who decide that all peaceful means that international law makes available are exhausted assume a grave responsibility before God, their conscience and history,” – Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls, March 20, 2003I’m finding it harder and harder to argue against the fact that we need to kill the rabid dog that is ISIS. I can’t stand the…
I suspect a strong inverse statistical relationship between the “Bomb Iraq!” crowd and those who want to give these refugees the asylum we absolutely *owe* them. The more we want to drop a few bombs–to assuage our conscience that we “did something” before leaving these people to their fate and shrugging “we tried”–the less we…
They’re making a movie about Tolkien and Lewis.We’ll see.
…and try to get blood from the turnip of people who have no money (just to make sure the poor are punished good and hard like they deserve), your state winds up with no money and can’t take care of the common good like it’s supposed to. It’s like all those biblical warnings are true…
“Be who you are, and be that well.” – St. Francis de Sales Have you ever admired someone? I mean to the degree that you want to be just like them. For years now, I’ve admired, even venerated, G.K. Chesterton—and I don’t mean just his writing, as brilliant as that is, but Chesterton as a…
Here he is, doing what every Christian in the world should do in the face of human evil: taking responsibility and turning to God for mercy instead looking around for somebody else to blame.One of the things that finally dawned on me a couple of years ago was that it was stupid to blame God…
Yr. Obdt. Svt. gives a quick lowdown on the concept over at the Register.
It’s not all that infectious.“Contracting [Ebola] requires direct contact with the bodily fluids — blood, feces, vomit — of someone who is symptomatic with the disease. You cannot catch Ebola from someone who is incubating it but not symptomatic; and you cannot catch it from simply being in the same room as someone who has…