So, Simcha is expecting again (yay!). This will be #10. And the Fisher folk are tickled pink because, you know, babies! Yay! Babies are unequivocal goods.But of course, blind people can’t see that and lot of so-called pro-choice people aren’t really pro-choice at all. Some of them have very definite ideas about how many babies…
…is under discussion over at the Register.
Last year, it was his epic account of the Great Ptolemaic Smackdown, replete with juicy and fascinating sciencey stuff, history stuff, and theology stuff. I keep hoping he will publish it as a book somewhere.And this year? Prompted by one too many Stupid Atheist Tricks from internet atheists who prefer worshipping the intellect to using…
Back before it was called “global climate disruption”, “global climate change”, or even “global warming” it was called the greenhouse effect and we were all assured 2000 was going to inaugurate the environmental Judgment Day:The conclusion, conveyed with great authority by several big-league climatologists from government and private research organizations, is terrible: by the year…
Goofiness from the creators of “The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra”.
Don’t think of it as a coincidence. Think of it as the first miracle toward Obama’s canonization.
Throughout the course of our lives, we each encounter difficulties, sufferings, and trials. “Great is the anxiety all men are doomed to, heavy the yoke each son of Adam must bear, from the day when he leaves his mother’s womb to the day when he is buried in the earth, that is mother of all”…
Actually, you do. They are called “priests” and they offer the sacrament of anointing, often to great–and completely unsung–effect because God tends to be pretty quiet about asking for credit. Totally different thing from psychic BS, which all about the normal quadrifecta of getting money, power, pleasure and honor.
‘The eugenical opportunity I have described is but an ultimate analysis of a whole drift of thoughts in the type of man who does not analyse his thoughts. He sees a slouching tramp, with a sick wife and a string of rickety children, and honestly wonders what he can do with them. But prosperity does…
A good man, a good friend, and the salt of the earth. The man is fearless. There aren’t many people I can confidently say would go to their tortured death shouting the Creed and praying for his murderers (and certainly not me, who you will probably find curled in a fetal position). But Steve Ray…