
Prayer Request and a Chance to Do a Work of Mercy

By Adam Minihan | August 25, 2014

A reader writes:I am a 44 year old woman with many health problems who is trying to get on permanent disability. In the meantime, I am not able to pay my rent on the pittance given to me by unemployment ( was laid off end of April).  I have few friends who are in the…

A reader asks about a pregnant neighbor

By Adam Minihan | August 25, 2014

He writes:I have a question I thought you might be able to help me with. An acquaintance of mine — someone I see regularly but don’t know intimately enough to consider a friend — recently announced that she is pregnant. She is not, however, married nor has she given any indication that she intends to…

Behold the Spam of God!

By Adam Minihan | August 25, 2014

Funny stuff is happening over at the Register.

Shatner on the Mike Douglas Show. You’re welcome!

By Adam Minihan | August 25, 2014

Student Says “Bless you” After Sneeze

By Adam Minihan | August 25, 2014

Get suspended from school by ridiculous tyrannical teacher.I hope every kid in that school makes a point of saying “Bless you” on every flimsy pretense. It’s this kind of authoritarian idiocy that begs for hilarious civil disobedience.

When you make excuses for evil while pretending you aren’t

By Adam Minihan | August 25, 2014

…you eventually just go ahead, drop the pretense, and embrace evil with both arms:Money quote:“All life is not equal. That’s a difficult thing for liberals like me to talk about, lest we wind up looking like death-panel-loving, kill-your-grandma-and-your-precious-baby storm troopers.”Well…. yes? 

The Myth of the Morally Neutral Tool

By Adam Minihan | August 25, 2014

One of the favorite myths of gun culture is the myth of the Morally Neutral Tool.  As the legend goes, “A gun is just a tool, it’s what you choose to do with it that matters”.But as the police in Ferguson, MO recently demonstrated, the notion that our tools do not exert enormous pressure on…

Urgent Prayer Request

By Adam Minihan | August 25, 2014

Our dear friend Kim Carroll and her family urgently need your prayers.I write with a two-fold request: (1) pray for Kim Carroll (details below) for her brain surgery tomorrow, and (2) intercede to Servant of God Vincent Capodanno (he needs a miracle to advance his cause). One of Kim’s sisters wrote the following today about…

Kevin O’Brien on the Divine Drama and Showbiz

By Adam Minihan | August 23, 2014

Something he knows rather a lot about!

Dear The Internet

By Adam Minihan | August 23, 2014

I also require this for my complete happiness and fulfillment as a human being. Please start one of those Kickstarter things you young people are all het up about and buy this for me. Thank you.Oh, and don’t get me started with the “asking for a free handout” jazz. Happiness can be defined as psychological…