
Gun instructor hands nine year old girl an Uzi

By Adam Minihan | August 28, 2014

Now he’s dead.So horrible.This is a prolife issue.

The Foggy Mysticism of Pro-Choice Rhetoric

By Adam Minihan | August 28, 2014

I’m told that Christians hate science and go for mystical mumbo jumbo. But when the topic turns to abortion, it’s fascinating that prochoice rhetoric instantly turns to blather about the “mystery” of when human life begins and what human life is: all that stuff that is just so far above Obama’s pay grade that he…

For those interested in the plight of refugees…

By Adam Minihan | August 28, 2014

Kirk Morrison writes:Kirk from the American Solidarity Party and Christian Democracy Magazine here.Just wanted to pass along an initiative we’re working on and your readers might also be interested in. I should add (although it should go without saying) that we support refugee status for the young Central Americas crossing the border too.We’re attempting to…

Fixing Ugly Church Graphics One Parish at a Time!

By Adam Minihan | August 28, 2014

Is you parish saddled with an ugly website?  Read on!My name is Michael Marchand, youth minister and founder of the brand new site did an interview this morning about it with my good friend Brandon Vogt, and he recommended I reach out to you guys.You can get more details on our website or the interview with Brandon, but basically…

The New Emangelization: A Conversation with Matthew Christoff

By Adam Minihan | August 27, 2014

A couple of weeks ago, I had the privilege of meeting Matthew Christoff of the blog, The New Emangelization. Matthew is a convert like myself, and he has dedicated his considerable talents and wealth of experience to the service of the Christ and his Church. He especially has a heart for men’s evangelization, and he is passionate about inspiring us to…

Urgent Prayers for our Youngest Son, Sean

By Adam Minihan | August 27, 2014

He’s in the hospital with severe abdominal pain.  Docs think it might be gallstones.  Please pray.  Thanks all.Update:  He’s home and sleeping.  Pain meds have helped.  Still not clear idea what is wrong.  Not appendix.  Not gallstones.  But he’s doing better for now.  Thanks so much for your prayers, you guys!  Kinda tired today.Upperdate: Sean…

Prayer Request

By Adam Minihan | August 27, 2014

A reader writes:I’m asking prayers for a friend’s daughter who, after suffering four miscarriages, is 20 weeks into a new pregnancy but has just been diagnosed with cervical cancer. If she can hold on for at least another month, the baby can be delivered before her treatment starts and both may survive.Father, hear our prayer…

ChurchPOP is on the air!

By Adam Minihan | August 27, 2014

Their battle cry: Make holy ALL the things!

When Standard and Poors is Warning about Income Inequality…

By Adam Minihan | August 27, 2014

…it‘s okay to ignore the prattle about “class envy” from the usual apologists for Class Warfare against the poor and acknowledge that we are facing a very serious problem.Catholics would do well to consider the possibility that Pope Francis, speaking out of the same Tradition as his predecessors, knows what he’s talking about.So, without committing…

Jackie Parkes is blogging from Ireland now

By Adam Minihan | August 27, 2014

County Cavan, Ireland where she moved to a few months ago–where she loves it.A great voice from the Anglo-Irish blogosphere.