Attention, People of Earth! Surrender now or I will post more of this kind of thing:
Yr. Obdt. Svt. on Calendrical Curiosities.
A reader writes:Here’s an update on the brain-injured baby we prayed for the other day.Father, continue to hear and answer our prayer through your Son Jesus Christ.Another reader writes:My husband lost his job on Good Friday of this year. He recently heard back on two applications – he was turned down for both.He is starting…
Cincinnati Abortion Clinic closes for good.
…like nobody’s dancing.
If our Founding Fathers didn’t fight for the right to wave guns at terrified children, have hysterics about them being disease-bearing terrorists, and scream for them to be remanded to rape, sex slavery and death how can we even call ourselves a free people anymore?
It does not discriminate.My own experience of depression is that it is a kind of frozen anger, turned inward at myself. Anger (the emotion, not the vice) is, like all feelings, morally neutral in itself. It’s like weather, except with chemicals instead of air. Feelings do what they do and the emotion of anger is…
Wonder no more!
Anybody know any freeware for that? Something that will make my music (recorded on Windows Media Player) visible to the music software in Windows 8? And without a lot of crappy malware and other programs attached?Please let me know in the combox. Thanks!
Grab your beer steins, buy a 6 pack, and ring the rectory doorbell—it’s the second Monday in September, also know as International Buy a Priest a Beer Day! This festive holiday traces its origins back to the pious deed of St. Hopswald of Aleyard, the first man to buy his priest a beer. The legend goes that…