

By Adam Minihan | September 17, 2014

Princesses, every single one of them.  And each of them worth a thousand Richard Dawkinses.“Spirit,” said Scrooge, with an interest he had never felt before, “tell me if Tiny Tim will live.”“I see a vacant seat,” replied the Ghost, “in the poor chimney-corner, and a crutch without an owner, carefully preserved. If these shadows remain…

Checkmate, Atheists!

By Adam Minihan | September 17, 2014

Thanks (I think) to Steven Greydanus for pointing me to this amazing… thing.

Just Don’t, Okay?

By Adam Minihan | September 17, 2014

Only a person with a heart of stone can watch this video without laughing

By Adam Minihan | September 17, 2014

The Catch-22 Cycle of Life in Anti-Abortion-But-Not-Prolife Culture

By Adam Minihan | September 16, 2014

A devout Catholic who happens to be low income writes to describe her experience.  Listen to her:May I work outside the home? –Noooooo, your place is with your family. Don’t be a dirty feminist.Okay, may I stay home with my family? –Nooooo, not unless your husband is rich, you welfare queen you. May I take my children to…

My preference

By Adam Minihan | September 16, 2014

Instead of Cafeteria Catholicism, I prefer All You Can Eat Catholicism.

I am about to re-write History!

By Adam Minihan | September 16, 2014

History.Ah me!  I slay me!

The script for “The Principle” in three panels

By Adam Minihan | September 16, 2014

“I’m just sayin’!” is also acceptable for the third panel.

This killed me

By Adam Minihan | September 16, 2014

Lift High the Cross

By Adam Minihan | September 15, 2014

The cross is a scandal. The cross is foolishness to the world. Sadly, all too many Catholics today are ashamed of the Holy Cross. Crucifixes are removed from sanctuaries. The mass is no longer described as the sacrifice of Calvary renewed and re-presented. Rather, it is portrayed simply a community meal, a time of fellowship and…