Posts by Adam Minihan
A Prayer to St. Joseph Before Work
It’s easy to get complacent in our places of employment, to work for the weekends or to collect a paycheck that helps us live “real” life outside of the workplace. But work should never be meaningless drudgery, nor should it be separate and contained from other aspects of our life. It should rather be an act…
Devotional from Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life
The abortion mindset does not discriminate. It says that abortion is needed in every country, for every ethnicity, in any economic class … and at any stage of pregnancy. It wants free reign on the unborn – abortion on demand for any reason. What’s worse is that it is often sold as “freedom.” Whether you’re…
The Measure of Success
‘Holy Grounds’ with Deacon Kevin Sartorius
Deacon Kevin Sartorius, Director of Catholic Charities of Tulsa, meets with Catholic Young Adults of Tulsa in their final ‘Holy Grounds’ of the season. They discussed Catholic Charities’ new Porta Caeli House and how Catholics approach end-of-life issues. Interested in joining the CYA? Join their Facebook page:
Fr. Ripperger Speaks on Sin and Repentance
Fr. Augustine Tolton: America’s First Black Priest
At night the river looked deeper than ever as the woman rowed across it with her three small children. That was dangerous enough but they were being pursued. They were being shot at. They were fleeing for their lives. The Civil War had just begun. The woman and her children were slaves. They had fled…
A Chat with Jason and Crystalina Evert
Internationally-known chastity speakers, Jason and Crystalina Evert, sit down with Ascension Presents producer, Maria Mitchell, to discuss marriage and family life. As young, Catholic parents of six children, Jason and Crystalina have a handful of interesting stories to tell and a beautiful witness to give to the sanctity of married life.
Suffering, Sin, and Repentance
Why Catholic Radio?
This is why… If you feel called to help our local ministry, please go here to help! Please continue praying for St. Michael Catholic Radio! Have a prayer request? Let us pray with you! Submit your prayer request here! Have a question about the Catholic faith? Submit your question here! Listen to St.…